Thursday, June 7, 2007

paper plant razed

today i was assigned to shoot video and backup still photography for the demolition of a very old paper plant in monroe. to some it was industrial heritage, to others it was an eyesore. for certain is was built right over a very historic battle in 1813. you see the young american army drove british troops out of the river raisin area ... then called frenchtown ... now called monroe. the british troops returned and routed the americans - wounded were left behind and native americans massacred them. for more details check this link. so the city has been seeking money, for years, to tear down the abandoned plant and restore the land to the historic battle site as a national park. today was a step in that direction, although most people left disappointed the entire building wasn't blasted with dynamite. they, like myself, made the assumption the whole thing was going to be blown to bits, but only the water tower and smoke stack was imploded. the rest will be bulldozed - not quite as cool. but it was a loud bang. here is the video we made today:

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