happy birthday to my home boy jack. he's 2! can't believe it. for his birthday we told him he was going to be a big brother ... that's right - mrs. bosch and i are having another baby due in september. jack didn't understand the whole new baby thing. i guess he'll figure it out when he hears all the crying.
Great shots. Mom said she really likes the one of the ballons.
Oh my gosh! that's awesome! congrats! love the pic with the ballons, btw! I put an oldie but goodie pic on my blog...check it out : )
congrats on the new baby bosch family. awesome!
How cute! Great pics man
Mucho congrats chief !
Way to go Bosch family!
Wow! Congrats on the baby!! Uh oh Jack - the terrible twos...
Great balloon photo! I imagine it looks pretty good in color too!
happy b-day jack, and congrats on the on the one in the oven.
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